


What a great day it was! Well it was actually really cold out but it was Halloween!! I was so excited. I dressed as a vampire from the 70's, I know really cool :p.

We watched horror movies last night (well just one, Let the Right One In) and ate pumpkin pie and peanut butter chocolate things, it was so great!!

Here's the pumpkin pie before it's cooked:

And here it is cooked:
I know the crust looks a little shotty, I had some trouble with it. It didn't turn out as good as I would have liked. BUT it still tasted fantastic!!!! (I've already eaten a whole one I think, I made TWO!!!)

And the peanut butter chocolate candy:

All in all it was a great day/evening and we all went to bed at respectable hours aka 11pm. We are such old men hahaha!!

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween filled with fright and loads of candy!!



Wow my first post. What a daunting task I’ve laid out for myself. I hope I don’t screw it up. Eeepp!! I’m gonna be frank, I don’t know exactly what this little blog here is going to be all about but here’s to hoping I find my answer soon.

So let’s see…I’m a student in Montreal, such a great city. It’s grey here a lot but on the days that it’s sunny it’s like a whole new world you get to experience. Everything is so vibrant and the colours of the leaves on the trees are to die for. I’ve taken so many pictures of them, just gotta get them developed now.

I’m originally from Toronto and Toronto might always be my home, but I’m slowly starting to fall in love with Montreal. There’s just so much to see and so much to do!! I’ve recently found a really great photo place (at least to me it’s great, it’s only like $20 a roll of film!!) it’s kinda far from me but I don’t mind. I’ve been meaning to explore more but it’s just scary for me. You see I can’t speak French and well all the best places in town are in the French areas…I should really get on that, the learning French thing.

**If anyone was wondering what a Yellow-breasted Chat was, it's this: